PT Studio




This is not an exageration or a bait and switch. This includes professional grade equipment (not cheap home stuff to save a buck), marketing materials, staffing, software, Fitness and Personal Training business plan and all other normal start-up costs. Read through this article and see how we do it step by step and decide if it is worth your time to investigate further.


Of course there are many ways to approach any business, but when it comes to fitness there are good methods and then there are GREAT methods. We have worked in, consulted for and created fitness programs for almost 70 fitness facilites from coast to coast and have developed best of breed practices that we are going to share with you, for FREE. These practices range from choosing your location, pricepoint, marketing, equipment and much more. Just like someone hiring a Personal Trainer to get the best results, we will give your access to the best information so that you can see how great of an impact our help can be. Just take 3 minutes and read through this article and you will see the value.

STEP 1. Read this whole article. Don’t rush through this, we have intentinally packed the whole article with important info for you. You will not understand what it is that you need to know by reading only the first few sentences and then moving on!

Personal Training Studio Business Plan – Failing to plan is planning to fail!  Having a well thought out business plan will help you manage and succeed in the Personal Training Business.  See below for specific details!

Personal Training and Fitness Studio – If you have been in the fitness business, maybe a Personal Trainer or Manager, for a while and seen some success working for someone else then ‘why shouldn’t you be your own boss and keep all of the profits?’  You can make this step quite easily with our help!

This is your chance to open your own Personal Training business for an amount that you can put on your credit card!  No one else keeps it that realistic! Still can’t do it?  Get a business partner or small investor!  This is the year that you break away from the croud!  Others do it every single day, why not you?

Don’t be afraid to start small!  We are the only fitness brand out there that allows you to grow out of your model.  Once you have maximized your Studio it may be time for more.  You can stay within the brand and upgrade to either of our gym models or just open another Personal Training Studio.  No need to feel limited, with us your success should be rewarded, not limited! 

  • Have you ever though about what it takes to open your own studio?  Be your own boss?  Think for 1 second, what has stopped you?…
  • Are you worried about making critical errors that can cost you hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands?  Fear of the unknown…
  • Would you take that natural next step in your carreer if you had help answering all of your questions, if you could afford it and if you knew that you had all of the most up to date tools and skills at your finger tips?  What if you had the best in the business at your beckon call?  Interesting, right…
  • Do you have the courage to be on your own?  Would you really like to get 100% of the income and 100% of the headaches…
  • Is it worth a few minutes of your time to find out if we can help?  We think that it is at least worth a conversation…


  • You must understand cost/benefit ratio for the money that you spend. When you do that you will choose to talk with us directly because you will see that we will get you more equipment more affordably, that you will save money on your lease, that we will get you to market in a fashion that gets you a great ROI, that we will give you tools that you currently lack, and much more.  We will save you money and improve your income so far beyond the minimal investment of our help that it is foolish to ignore this option.
  • Next, you MUST contact us. but MAKE NO MISTAKE, OWNING YOUR OWN STUDIO IS A BUSINESS and we will not find you so take a few seconds of your life and fill out the inquiry form
  • We will contact you and learn what you are interested in for a Personal Training opportunity. (we will not harrass you, that is not our deal, either you like what we offer or you don’t)
  • If you are interested in learning more about our Personal Training Studio program then we will do some market reseach on your area and give you our opinion on its viability. (if we don’t feel that your market is viable for our facility options we may point you in another direction or opt out, no hard feeling but we work extremely hard to be successful)
  • If we agree with you that you have a strong market for our Personal Training Studio then you submit our Licensee application
  • Once approved and agreement is signed we hold your hand through the entire process, help you find a location, negotiate your lease, order your equipment, get you uniforms and paper media, hire staff, make local business connections and more.  You have options and it is essential for your bottom line that you choose the best option for you!
  • Training!  After this point it is time to get organized.  Our system is best of breed for helping you get your business to run smoothly and profitably.  We will train you to use our system to reproduce results for your members and results for your pocket.
  • Next we help you launch you business, with presale, marketing, staffing, selling, ect.
  • Finally, we help you run your business.  Staff changes, markets change and trends change.  We organize marketing materials, web dominance, performance improvement calls, newsletters, pre-written email scripts and whatever realistic help you can imagine.  It is our job to give you the help that you need to be successful!


  • Upfront Licensing Fee – $3,000 (can be broken up depending on the situation)
  • Monthly Licensing Fee – $300 (equal to 1 good client!) and 5% of gross revenue.
  • Equipment – Around $10,000 and can be financed through our financing partner (generally 20% down payment), you have freedom here to move up or down based on your local and needs (compare that around!)
  • Signage – Really depends on your location, can range from $150 for a HUGE banner to several thousand for a beautiful back-lit sign
  • Branding – Around $1,000. Initial run of fliers, contracts, uniforms and other branding and physical media.

That is essentially all of your fixed costs for less then $7,000 out of your pocket.  There are ALWAYS other small expenses, but they add up so you should also factor in $2,000-$3,000 in other costs and have several months operating expenses available just in case.  You do not want to start a business and be stressed out from day 1!



This is how you SHOULD be thinking when you are considering opening a Personal Training Business.  Not everyone thinks this way, and if you refuse to think this way you still may be successful and we wish you the best.  But, if you want to sky rocket to market dominance and a truly great income with your own Personal Training Business we believe that this is the map that you should be following.  Lots of people who read this will still not join world of ownership, that is ok, lots of people who read this will take from it and do their own thing, that is ok too.  Very few will take the natural next step to improve their results with a proven system, and that is ok too.  That is all ok because every time people skip steps they leave themselves open to competitors!  That competitor could be you, and you could be doing everything right and dominate, even in a highly saturated market!  So read on…


When it comes to opening or owning your own Personal Training Business there is a huge opportunity to get a gigantic ego!  Get over yourself, because whenever you have an ego like that then you begin to miss BIG things.  You are likely reading this article because you already have seen some success and deserve to believe in yourself, congrats!  BUT, the longer that you do this the more that you will learn how much you can improve.  So get over yourself!  Admit RIGHT NOW, before you read another line, that there is tons to learn and massive improvement is possible.  Maybe even taking a whole new direction would be best!!!  Who knows until we talk, but you are you own best friend, motivator and ally, so don’t become your own worst nightmare by making costly mistakes that can easily be avoided.


Upside potential and downside risk.  You are in a great position because you have a great chance for upside potential with a Personal Trianing Studio, and if you are smart you are extremely limited and fixed cost downside.  You have the opportunity, in nothing more than a Personal Training Studio, to earn a great living for yourself and create financial freedom through proper leveraging of one thing, YOU.  It is difficult to understand at first, but you will never make great money working for an hourly wage.  You will only make real money when you learn to leverage yourself through reproduction and making money on the hourly wage of others.  So, don’t plan on being purely a Personal Trainer anymore!  Be an Owner and start making the money that you deserve off of the skills that you currently possess – by making your staff rich!  Not the normal way to think but it will drive your revenue through the sky!


You are already being successful one way or another in business.  So how do make the leap from where you are to where you want to go?  You get educated. Many people jump in with both feet and learn along the way.  This is a fine way, but it can cost you thousands and leave scars that will negatively impact your decision making in the future.  Others study, and study, and study, and if they are lucky someday they will dip their toe into the water of business.  Again, nothing wrong with this method, but it can cost you thousands in lost profits as you learn the business.  Finally, there is the third group.  With a strong and fearless desire to succeed like the first person, combined with the intellectual process of the second.  Yes, this is the sort of person who purchases a license like Body Renew Personal Training Studio because you get immediate results, profits and feedback.


Be honest for a second, no Personal Training Studio is the best at everything!  You are not the best at weight loss, muscle gain, toning, diet, marathon training, PHR, corrective stretching, sports performance or special populations.  If you are really, really lucky then you are the best in your market at just 1 of these training styles, and if you are an absolute freak then you are the best at two of them.  So get focused on those one or two skills that you accell at!  These are your bread and butter money makers!  At Body Renew Personal Training Studios we focus on Weight Loss in all of its forms.  We do this for several reasons, 1. It is socially responsible because this is a deadly disease. 2. with 2/3 of our population being overweight we have the largest target market. 3. and very few trainers are willing to set any limits to their potential clientelle we are able to distance our expertice from the competition by being the very best.  Because of this practice we are the best training platform for weight loss, we get the most attention in the communities that we serve for weight loss, we own the largest share of weight loss clientelle and we make the most money off of our platform possible.  That is the Body Renew Personal Training Studio secret!  Steal it, make it your own and ride that horse into the sunset!  IT WORKS.


When it comes to a Personal Training Studio location is important, but it isn’t everything!  The location of your Personal Training Studio should be considered in part or your marketing budget, or rather will one location create traffic that another won’t beyond the offset in additional costs.  The important part of location is that it is close to and convenient for the population that you are trying to serve.  What isn’t important is that it has prime road frontage and looks like a Starbucks (that won’t hurt and for the right price it can help, but caution!).  What you need to consider when it comes to your Personal Training Studio’s location is simple, can you clients easily get to you and can you afford it while you build your business.  Remember that, especally with the Body Renew Personal Training Studio model, you can always upgrade as your needs for it arrive but don’t become location poor.  The worst situation to be in is one where you should be spending money or marketing or branding but instead are only able to pay your rent for your business.  Remember that Personal Training Studios get very little walk-in traffic.  People will generally have heard about you from a client or at least researched and contacted you via your internet portal.


In the Personal Training Studio world EFT means Electronic Funds Transfer.  It is how most people pay for things like gym memberships, cell phones and countless other services.  This has been a HUGE transition for Personal Training Studios because this system allows a much, much, much greater percentage of clients to get started with your program.  With Body Renew Personal Training we allow clients to choose their program based on commitment length and frequency of sessions.  Then they simply pay each month for the program that they have chosen.  This approach is so much better than the classic approach of cash sales for several reasons.  First, more clients can get involved which means more money for you and more ‘raving fans’ in the community (a good cycle for success).  Second, a steadier income because you will have reoccurring revenue that you can count on, no more starting each month at ZERO income.  Third, clients will stay longer because they will not have to decide every 6, 12 or 18 sessions whether they are going to coninue.  Fourth, clients will get better results because the system encourages them to join a program that is more long-term which is more likely to get them to their goals.  Fifth, payroll will directly follow revenue so you won’t have months where the payroll jumps but revenue does not as they are directly connected.  Sixth, no expense liability. Clients who have unused sessions are a liability that you must consider.  With our Personal Training EFT system no client will have large bundles of unused sessions that could cost you.  Most states require some sort of refund policy for unused services and Personal Training Studios are no exception.  Avoid that potential pitfall by using a well run EFT system!


Potential Personal Training clients rarely do people simply hit the internet or Yellow Pages and search for somethiing, and then choose the first option that they see.  People are smart and they want to know the value of the product before they spend their money on it.  You should be creating ‘raving fans’ everyday with your Personal Training business!  These fans can be your best tool for driving more members and clients to your Personal Training Studio.  BUT, very few clients will naturally hunt down new clients for you.  Sometimes they need a little coaching and direction.  Make sure that you have a system in place to train your staff on how to help your clients bring in and give referrals for you and your Studio.  Also, make sure that you have rewards for those clients who give you this sort of help.  Often, for the client, it is enough for them to know that they are helping a company that they believe in, but you need to make sure that you are properly letting them know that their assistance is essential for your success and greatly appreciated.  But remember, free (or close to free) marketing is all around you and this is just 1 of the MANY tools that you should be using.


When people look into fitness, and specifically a Personal Training Studio, now days it is estimated that 60%-80% use the internet.  In all fairness a Personal Training Studio is not the biggest business in the world.  There is a good chance that that potential client will look around a bit before they purchase.  Don’t let them find anything but your Personal Training Studio!  Dominate the internet space for your market.  Make sure that you come up in the top 3 on local searches.  Make sure that you have pages of reviews screaming the virtues of your program.  Make sure that you have multiple articles showing on the first page of the search.  Being a small nimble business does have some advantages so make sure that those are working for you, to drive business, to drive revenue and to drive your success.  Body Renew Personal Training Studios get the most up to date education and tools to easily perform the average Personal Training Studios on the web and compete with the bigger businesses in your area that are spending THOUSANDS to do what you are doing for free!


In the Personal Training Studio world ROI is your Return On Investment.  That investment can be money, but it can also be time, energy, attention and effort.  If you are a business owner you get to choose how you spend your greatest assets of time, energy, attention and effort.  Spend them wisely!  If you could be sitting with a new client and getting them started on a new program that will help them and make you money that is a good thing.  If you are spending countless hours in your office trying to learn SEO, Google Places and Pay-Per-Click instead then that is a poor investment.  You can only be great at a few things in life, but that doesn’t mean that your business has to suffer.  Body Renew Personal Training Studios would like to give you these tools that you simply plug, play and periodically update.  When the system is working right it will drive dozens of potential clients to you for you to do what you do best!  That is why you are in the Personal Training Studio business in the first place, right?


Whether it be in a Personal Training Studio or working for a big box, most Personal Trainers suck at one thing, sales.  Trainers tend to be purists.  They consider the selling aspects of the fitness world to be beneath them and to somehow diminish the value of what they do for their clients.  So keep your trainers happy, keep them focused, pay them for what they are good at and what they want.  Don’t have Personal Trainers sell.  You will miss sales on good clients, you will piss off good staff and you will generally spend your time pulling your hair out.  Hire it out or do it yourself.  If you are stellar at sales then by all means, do the sales portion of the job yourself and pay someone to do the stuff that you aren’t as good at.  Spend your time making the company money and driving it in the right direction.  If you are not good at sales then hire it out.  Get a bad ass from another business who loves the sale process, they are out there in droves, and pay them to make you money while you do what you are good at and enjoy.  Remember, ROI – whether it is your time, you Personal Trainer’s time or your book keeper’s time there is always an investment so make sure that you are getting a healthy return.


In an ideal world a Personal Training Studio could have one product that worked well for everyone’s needs and finances.  Since that is unlikely you need to diversify your offering just a bit.  That does not mean try to be an expert at weight loss and muscle gain.  That means that there are other ways to design programs that can help more potential clients get envolved.  At Body Renew Personal Training Studios we offer 3 classes of clients, and even allow for combos of those classes.  Our meat and Potatos program is 1-on-1 Personal Training.  For those looking to save a few bucks they can join our Small Group Training.  Lastly, we have our Boot Camp classes as our most affodable option.  A surprise is that one of the most popular options that we have is to combine 1 Personal Training session per week with our Boot Camp classes, so you get the best of both worlds at an extremely affordable rate!  If you aren’t doing this already then go ahead and take this idea, we won’t mind.


Personal Training is a relationship business, whether in a Personal Training Studio, in someones home or in a big gym.  You are earning a reputation all of the time, both as a Personal Trainer and as a person.  You can be in control of what that reputation is.  So give it away.  Offer everyone who contacts you a chance to try out your Personal Training, Group Training and Boot Camp services for FREE.  Let people know how good you are before you ask them for a single dollar.  In this way you will earn their business.  Never be short sighted when it comes to your money or your reputation.  You can easily blow a long-term Personal Training client prosect out by pushing for the sale at your initial meeting.  Give them a chance to experience that you are really different and they will become a ‘raving fan’ rather then another lost prospect.  This will take the pressure off of them and let them enjoy the experience.  That good experience will pay you dividends!  (notice that I keep giving you tons of free ideas…  this teqnique works great in business, period!)

TIP #1

Owning a Personal Training Studio or Business is not Personal Training.  You are a business person first and a Personal Trainer second, or even third.  Keep this fact in mind as you go into this business.  You will be doing things that you never expected and growing your expertise far beyond what it is today.  It is very easy to lose track of what made you successful before, but don’t!  If you are struggling with managing the whole picture, which most people do, then hire someone to do the office stuff that is outside your comfort zone and get yourself back to what you love and excell at!

TIP #2

Have an AWESOME business plan!  Of course all of our licensee get our business plan, but we aren’t selfish about it so here is the outline just for you!

    Choose your brand wisely.  You brand will drive a specific demographic whether you like it or not.  Make sure that your brand is well thought out, and then explain and support in your business plan how your brand helps you.
    Explain your expertise.  A resume does not necessarily do justice to yoru skill set.  Simply stating that you have been a Personal Trainer for 5 years does not mean a whole lot, but explaining how you have slowly refined your Personal Training Business down to the best of breed skills will make a lot more sense!
    Market Analysis.  Make sure that your offering is not only needed but also underserved in your market.  You may live in a demographic that does not need much of your offering, or you may be in a completely saturated market.  Look at all of your competitors closely through a competition metrix before you spend a single dollar, and make sure that you are on track with your business plan.
    Understand your budget.  It is really easy to think of your business in lofty terms, but that in not always the best idea.  Sometimes you can actually net, or keep, more income by keeping the expense of your business to a minimum.  Our Persoal Training Studio model is less then $15,000 to get started and about half of that can be financed through our financing partners!  
    Growth is the model.  Whether your business is hamburgers or Personal Training you had better know how you are going to steadily grow your income.  Create a map and tools list which you willl use to guide your business growth.
    Limit your exposure.  No one wants to lose everything that they have if their business goes poorly.  Again, our Personal Training Studio model limits your loses much more than most plans.  Plan how you can avoid a worst case scenario by understanding how leases, rent, payroll and other expenses will impact your success, bottom line and financial exposure!
    Get Help.  You can choose any of the many resources out there to give you support, of course we would love to be that support, so make sure that you have those rescources available to you at all times.  This business will throw curve balls at you constantly and you and your investors will all be more comfortable knowing that an expert is there to guide you to success!


We are so confident that you will love our program that we want to offer it to you for FREE!


January 2025
808 South vista Ave Boise, Idaho 83705208.353.2010
© 2013-2025 Body Renew Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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