Try this program

BY: Matt Carter
POSTED August 21, 2023 IN
  1. Pick a brand new, never before tried, exercise for each of these muscles.  Pecs, Lats, Shoulders, Quads and Hamstrings.  They can be gym exercises or at home and outdoor exercises.  Do these new exercises 3 times per week for the summer!
  2. Try a new sport.  Choose something that you haven’t done for a long time, or maybe never.  Make it a plan to do that exercise 3 times per week for the summer for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Turn off the TV.  With longer days there is more time to do outdoor things.  Leave the TV off until the sun goes down.  As the summer comes to an end and it cools off you will find that the added night makes more room for TV, but for now limit your boob tube tome.
  4. Make a weekend event.  Each weekend try something out of your norm.  It does not have to be particularly active, maybe just go to a park, have a BBQ, or go to the YMCA and go for a family afternoon swim.  Make it fun!
  5. Pick a focus.  Most people love something about the house that we live in that we love, like the grass or the garden.  Pick one thing that you work on making perfect each week.  For me I have a stockpile of crap stored next to the house between the house and the fence.  Each week I get closer and closer to making that usable space again.
  6. Reward yourself.  Go out right now and buy yourself some skinny pants.  If you follow rules 1-5 for the next 10 weeks of summer then you earned those pants, and you will fit into them because of those healthy choices.  Don’t be shy about setting goals for yourself and then rewarding your effort!

Summer can be a great and fun time of year.  If you make time to do something besides the drudgery of life you will be amazed at how well your body can respond.  Nothing is better than stretching yourself and going outside of the norm and finding what you are capable of.

“A Man’s(woman’s) mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.”  – Oliver Wendell Holmes,


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